+49 40 37 08 83 10

VMware vSphere: What’s New 6.7

In this three-day, hands-on training course, you will explore the new features and enhancements in VMware vCenter Server® 6.7 and VMware ESXi™ 6.7. Real-world use case deployment scenarios, handson lab exercises, and lectures will teach you the skills that you need to effectively implement and configure VMware vSphere® 6.7. This class is recommended for customers who want to deploy vSphere 6.7 into their existing vSphere environment.

By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:

  • List and describe key enhancements in vSphere 6.5
  • Use the user interface of the new VMware vSphere® Client™, the new VMware Host Client™, and the appliance shell of VMware vCenter® Server Appliance™
  • Add users to the lockdown exception users list and test the lockdown mode
  • Configure virtual machines to check for and install newer versions of VMware Tools™
  • Upgrade virtual machines to the current hardware
  • Create a multisite content library for synchronizing virtual machine templates, vApps, ISO images, and scripts across vCenter Server instances
  • Enable the VMware vSphere® Authentication Proxy service to automatically add new hosts to the Active Directory domain
  • Configure NFS- and iSCSI-backed virtual volumes to provide a common storage platform, independent of the underlying storage hardware
  • Create storage policies and use these policies with virtual machines and virtual volume datastores
  • Work with VMware vSphere® Network I/O Control to create and configure a distributed switch
  • Use VMware vSphere® vMotion® to migrate virtual machines across vCenter Server instances
  • Activate the high availability feature of vCenter Server Appliance
  • Back up vCenter Server Appliance by using a file-based backup solution from the vCenter Server Appliance Management Interface
  • Set up your environment to encrypt and decrypt virtual machines
  • Set up your environment to use encrypted vSphere vMotion to securely migrate encrypted virtual machines
  • Migrate from Windows vCenter Server to vCenter Server Appliance
  • Configure vCenter Server and associated services to use VMware Platform Services Controller™ high availability
Anmeldung Kategorien 407 Suche Gebühren Veranstaltungsorte 31 Veranstalter 3

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