+49 40 37 08 83 10

VMware Virtual SAN: Deploy and Manage

This training course focuses on deploying and managing a software-defined storage solution with VMware® Virtual SAN™ 5.5. This course looks at how Virtual SAN is used as an important component in the VMware® software-defined data center. The course is based on VMware® ESXi™ 5.5 and VMware® vCenter Server™ 5.5.

  • Define the key components of a software-defined data center
  • Identify benefits of software-defined storage solutions
  • Compare and contrast disk types and storage technologies
  • Explain file, block, and object-oriented storage
  • Identify Virtual SAN requirements, use cases, and architecture components
  • Plan and design a Virtual SAN deployment
  • Configure Virtual SAN clusters
  • Identify benefits of storage policy-based management
  • Scale a Virtual SAN deployment based on storage needs
  • Monitor Virtual SAN
  • Troubleshoot Virtual SAN
  • Identify the integration of Virtual SAN with the VMware product portfolio
Anmeldung Kategorien 407 Suche Gebühren Veranstaltungsorte 31 Veranstalter 3

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+49 40 37 08 82 98

Wir führen unsere VMware Trainings in Kooperation mit dem autorisierten VMware Trainingscenter (VATC) von Tech Data / Azlan durch.
