+49 40 37 08 83 10

VMware Mirage: Install, Configure, Manage

This hands-on training course provides students with skills that they need to deploy a unified image management system using VMware Mirage™. After installing Mirage 5.0, students learn how to configure security, manage images, perform a Windows migration, set up endpoint protection, and perform various management functions.

  • Describe the key concepts of Mirage
  • Recognize how Mirage fits into the VMware end-user computing vision
  • Identify the main Mirage use classifications
  • Define the function of each of the Mirage solution components
  • Install, configure, and upgrade Mirage
  • Identify the tasks for SSL configuration on a Mirage system
  • Discuss the management functions available in the Mirage Management console
  • Deploy Mirage to endpoints
  • Explain the tasks for capturing and assigning base layers and application layers
  • Describe methods for performing disaster recovery with Mirage
  • Outline how to plan and perform a mass hardware migration with Mirage
  • Recognize how the file portal is set up and used
Anmeldung Kategorien 407 Suche Gebühren Veranstaltungsorte 31 Veranstalter 3

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+49 40 37 08 82 98

Wir führen unsere VMware Trainings in Kooperation mit dem autorisierten VMware Trainingscenter (VATC) von Tech Data / Azlan durch.
